DUI Law Firm of Seattle, WA – Taking control in crisis
Call Us: 1-888-262-4854

When DUI Priors Add Up To A Felony

 Understanding the difference between a misdemeanor and felony DUI conviction is important due to the impact on one’s rights.  In simple terms, a misdemeanor can be called a minor criminal offense while a felony is a serious criminal offense which results in the loss of important...
DUI Law In U.S

DUI Law In U.S. Permits One For The Road

In discussing DUI law, BAC which stands for “blood alcohol concentration” is probably the term most frequently encountered.  BAC is measured in terms of grams of alcohol in 100 grams of a person’s blood.  A BAC of .08, which means .08 grams of alcohol in 100 grams of a person’s...